The Serverius IP network is build on many dark-fibers between all
datacenters. Ground (dark) fibers from Amsterdam to the Serverius
datacenters. Serverius is not reselling, all services are 100% provided
with by own optical hardware and are maintained by the Serverius
NOC department.
Home | Services | IP Transit
Data center IP transport
The Serverius IP network is build on many dark-fibers between all
datacenters. Ground (dark) fibers from Amsterdam to the Serverius
datacenters. Serverius is not reselling, all services are 100% provided
with by own optical hardware and are maintained by the Serverius
NOC department.
Point of Presence
Amsterdam Nikhef/SARA
Amsterdam GlobalSwitch
Cai Harderwijk (Loresn1)
Equinix AM7
Serverius Data Center 1 (SDC1)
Serverius Data Center 2 (SDC2)
Serverius Data Center 3 (SDC3)
For example: if you need a 100G VLAN from Amsterdam to Serverius or if you need a low latency E-VPN from Groningen to Amsterdam, we can offer a stable and redundant setup. We offer free 1G, and paid 10G, 25G, 40G and 400G ports low latency transport services like Layer 2 VLANs, colored 800G DWDM waves, MPLS/VXLAN services, E-VPN layer2 transport and allot of custom made services. You can always contact one of our NOC engineers who can tell you all details.”
At our PoP locations our users can connect to all almost any other datacenter in Europe. And users can also use other in-house fiber suppliers like British Telecom, Eurofiber, Unet, Relined, ND-IX or KPN for buying waves and other fiber transport services.
This is a fixed route and bandwidth point-to-point service for any organization requiring high capacity, availability, and reliability such as ISPs, Content Providers and many others. Capacity transport services are provided over Global Layer own multi-Terabit fiber-optic network.